Halaat Pakistan

Critical Blasts In Pakistan During Friday Prayers

About more than 50 people were killed and a number of others injured in the blast held yesterday in Pakistan. The blast took place in …

About more than 50 people were killed and a number of others injured in the blast held yesterday in Pakistan.

The blast took place in a mosque where about hundreds of people were gathered to celebrate the birth of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.W) on Friday.

It was claimed as suicide attack by most of the people there. This attack was held in a mosque at south-western Balochistan. Many private and public service hospitals claimed and requested the authorities for blood donations. 

Another blast happened where five people were immediately killed. This attack took place in a mosque in Peshawar, the city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Both the blasts were stated to be suicide attacks by the people there. Moreover, both the blasts took place near the borders of Afghanistan.

The critically injured people were immediately shifted to the hospital nearby in Quetta. While the others were transferred to the local hospitals in Mastung. No one has claimed responsibility for either of the blasts. 

According to the people there, one of the policeman was killed on the spot, while trying to stop the attacker. According to Deputy Inspector General of Police Munir Ahmed, “the bomber exploded himself near the automobile of the Deputy Superintendent of Police.” 

Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest province by area, has seen an increase number of attacks recently. The blast on Friday was one of the bloodiest strikes in Pakistan in the past ten years. 

Prime Minister has shown condolences to the family of those who died in the blast recently. Many celebrities and famous cricketers has also shown condolences and also tweeted for the people who died in the blast yesterday. It’s totally heart-wrenching to hear such bad news at the time where people were busy celebrating the birth of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.W.). Arif Alwi, Pakistan’s President has condemned and told to provide every possible facility and assistance to the family of those who died in the blasts.

Local authorities claimed the bomb in Pakistan’s southwest Balochistan province’s Mastung district, which has endured decades-long nationalist uprisings as well as several attacks by the ISIS division in the area, was directed at the procession of worshipers leaving the mosque.

According to the videos aired on television, the people there said that there were two suicide bombers. One of them exploded himself at the entrance of the mosque, and the other one exploded himself inside the building near the rooftop. After the first explosion, a few worshippers were able to escape from the mosque, but a number of them were inside.

Soon after both the blasts that took place on Friday, the police of all of Punjab, especially Karachi, tried to give additional security to the mosques and all the religious places.

Baloshistan has been through these attacks in the past few years. In the northwest city of Peshawar in 2014, a Taliban attack on an army school resulted in the deaths of 147 individuals, the majority of whom were students.

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