Halaat Pakistan

Unemployed Doctors In Pakistan

In Pakistan, there are now more than 11,000 jobless physicians. The country’s health care system is to blame for this overproduction dilemma. The class structure …

In Pakistan, there are now more than 11,000 jobless physicians. The country’s health care system is to blame for this overproduction dilemma. The class structure that is prevalent in Pakistan dictates the health-curative, urban-biased approach. It also doesn’t help that the government has a fairly heartless approach, referring to these physicians as a “surplus”. An emergency construction initiative across the nation would assist to absorb the present jobless physicians as an urgent remedy for the situation.

In Pakistan, medical schools have expanded dramatically in recent years. There were over 114 medical colleges as of 2019 — both in the public and private sectors. This indicates that around 16,000 medical students graduate each year. This then begs the question, “Where do these 16,000 doctors go each year?” Do they work for government or commercial organizations? Are they fully utilizing their abilities and giving back to the nation with their services? It is challenging to make firm conclusions, although the majority of graduates struggle to find work in the healthcare industry and are jobless.

Due to a lack of career possibilities, many physicians in Pakistan are being forced to relocate overseas, contributing to the country’s doctor deficit. We create more physicians than there are open positions, but there is still a shortage, which feeds a vicious cycle. It is demoralizing for people to lose their jobs after devoting years of effort to their medical studies.

Reasons for Unemployed Doctors in Pakistan:

The number of medical institutions and universities in Pakistan has significantly increased in recent years, resulting in an excess of medical graduates.Even doctors with exceptional credentials struggle to obtain the specialized training that is sometimes a requirement for many career opportunities since Pakistan lacks residency programs.There are few government employment openings for doctors, and the hiring procedure is sometimes drawn out and bureaucratic.Even when openings do occur, many jobless doctors may not be able to apply because of their preferences or credentials.


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