Halaat Pakistan

PTI Becomes World’s 10th Largest Political Party

According to a recent rating by the Global Index, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has risen to become the tenth largest political party in the world. The …

According to a recent rating by the Global Index, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has risen to become the tenth largest political party in the world. The rating is determined by a variety of elements, such as the party’s supporter base, electoral success, and online visibility.

The PTI presently claims to have over 10 million members, following years of fast membership growth. In terms of elections, it has also been successful, taking home the most seats in the 2018 general election in Pakistan. The party has a substantial social media following, with more than 10 million followers on Twitter alone.

PTI’s Position:

The PTI’s position as the tenth-largest political party in the world is a noteworthy accomplishment. It is evidence of the party’s support in Pakistan and implies that the party is a major player in international politics.

The following are some of the elements that went into the PTI’s ranking:

  • The party’s dedication to encouraging young participation.
  • The capacity of the party to interact with voters on social media.
  • Election victories the party has had in recent years.
  • The dedication of the party to anti-corruption and good government.


The rating reflects the party’s expanding prominence both within Pakistan and globally. In the ensuing years, the party is anticipated to assume a more significant position in world politics.

The PTI is faced with the following difficulties as it expands:

  • The party’s capacity to stay committed to young recruitment.
  • Effectiveness with which the party manages its online presence.
  • The capacity of the party to uphold its dedication to anti-corruption and good administration.
  • The capacity of the party to bring its varied membership together behind a single goal.

The party’s position is a noteworthy accomplishment, but it also serves as a reminder that the party still has a number of obstacles to overcome as it expands. The party’s future position in international politics will depend on its capacity to overcome these obstacles.

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