Halaat Pakistan

Surge In Conjuctivitis Cases Sparks Concern in Lahore

In addition to Karachi, Lahore is experiencing an increase in conjuctivitis and pink eye infections, with dozens of instances being recorded everyday. Conjuctivitis: Conjuctivitis, sometimes …

In addition to Karachi, Lahore is experiencing an increase in conjuctivitis and pink eye infections, with dozens of instances being recorded everyday.



Conjuctivitis, sometimes known as “pink eye,” is a disorder of the eyes that has suddenly increased in instances, causing a tangible sense of anxiety across the city.

Over 500 people per day are flooding hospitals in Lahore as a result of the eye illness.

In order to stop the sickness from spreading, the hospital management urged the affected individuals to put on black glasses and implement other preventative steps. 

As there is a risk of spreading the virus, ophthalmologists have advised people to avoid making eye contact with affected individuals. 

Concerns have been raised concerning the severity of the epidemic due to the patients’ reports of severe redness, eye swelling, and profuse weeping. In particular, the virus is dispersing at an unheard-of velocity and is being transferred not just by direct touch but also by airborne particles and casual discussions.

Ophthalmologists connected the meteorological circumstances that appeared to have impaired the quality of the air, poor sanitation of the hands, congested housing systems, and unclean environments in the densely populated cities with the emergence of the extremely infectious eye illness. 


Professor Aslam underlined the need for strict cleanliness practices in order to stop the spread of the infection. He said there was a significant danger of transmission if a patient touched their affected eye and subsequently came into contact with other surfaces or people. The virus might linger on surfaces for protracted periods of time, he said.

Experts have warned that this eye illness is more common during the rainy season, thus inhabitants of Lahore must be vigilant and stick to cleanliness recommendations.

The doctor encouraged patients to take preventative precautions, prescribed eye drops, and urged those who were affected to follow tight procedures and keep routine goods like towels and toiletries apart from other things.

Additionally, patients are instructed to wipe their eyes using recommended tissues and eye drops. Cold water can also be used by the patients to momentarily calm their eyes.

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